Charlotte McG.
Ex-Londoner (28 years)
The Tower of London
St Katharine's & Wapping, London EC3N 4AB
“I have been visiting this structure since childhood and was always fascinated at not only the history within its walls, but the tales of treachery within it. I’ve always imagined the ghosts walking through at night after The Ceremony of the Keys is completed (a daily enactment of locking the gates for the queen), and always wanted to wear the jewels kept under constant watch. I learn something new on every visit, and knowing some of the beefeaters personally, am usually invited into the exclusive Yeoman Wardens club pub which has some amazing artifacts on its walls.
I love the building itself, which fortunately, I get a rather good view of. The main white tower is quite the structure, with the remaining walls and outbuildings being built after but with its military links, I find it fascinating and somewhat eerie. Still holding out in the hope of seeing ghosties there!”
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